Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I just finished watching the movie "SICKO" with my son, Jordan, and I'm "sicko" to my stomach! Not sick to my stomach as in being a terrible movie. On the contrary, sick to my stomach as in being an excellent movie that made me literally feel sick at how corrupt our country has become! So corrupt, in fact, that the wealthy insurance companies, hospitals, and even politicians (imagine that!) can continue to rake in the money while the middle class and poor who can't afford health insurance literally die in their wake. Seeing how countries like Canada (Michael Moore brought this little fact up in his movie "Bowling for Columbine"), England, France, and even Cuba live with free, universal healthcare. That's right...FREE! For EVERYONE! And the drugs that we pay hundreds of dollars for are FREE or (in one instance with a 9/11 worker) only 5 cents for a drug in Cuba that she pays over $100 for every month in America! In fact, the United States is the ONLY western country that DOESN'T have free, universal healthcare! It's absolutely sickening! If you haven't seen this movie, you MUST see it. And I am well aware of some of you who may be leary of believing what Michael Moore has to say and who may not watch this movie because of him. You really must watch this movie. Don't live in denial any longer. Just because this is the United States and we are Americans, it doesn't mean that our healthcare system can't be seriously broken and in need of repair. Our healthcare system is not based on helping and healing people, it's based on money pure and simple.

Listen....I work for a large health insurance company. Not the same kind of health insurance company that this movie refers to, but I'm sure universal healthcare would adversely affect my career. I don't care. There's a better way to do things. I don't know what it is, but the next time you turn on the T.V. and see the presidential candidates debate, listen to what they say about healthcare. Ask yourself "Why" they believe what they believe. If they are against universal healthcare, ask yourself why! Better yet...ask THEM why! If they are for some type of universal healthcare, listen to them. Find out what they they plan to fix it. It can happen and it will be better for EVERYONE! Okay, maybe the CEO's for the large insurance and pharmaceutical companies will have to find new jobs, but I think they've been living off the rest of us long enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude...I HEAR ya!! GREAT movie huh?!! I pray that the NEXT president will finally DO SOMETHING about it!

Miss ya man...

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